Southern Spring 2014 - page 13

spring 2014 / 11
MusicDepartment hosts typhoonbenefit concert
BSC’sMusicDepartment hosted abenefit concert for victims of thedeadly typhoon in thePhilippines.
“Alabama Sings!” featured someof the state’s finest classical singers, withproceeds going to theAmerican
RedCross in support of its efforts tohelp the victims of TyphoonHaiyan, which ravaged the central
Philippines inNovember.
The 15professional soloists included facultymembersDr. Jacqueline Leary-Warsaw,Dr. Jeff Kensmoe, and
Dr. Jennifer Bryant. ConservatoryofMusic facultymemberDr. VirginiaDismukes accompaniedonpiano
andPresidentGen. CharlesC. Krulakdelivered theopening remarks.
The concert, whichwas sponsoredby theAlabamaChapter of theNational Associationof Teachers of
Singing, includedworks frompopular operas,musicals, andoratorios, alongwith art songs and classical jazz.
BSChistorian to teachMOOC
Birmingham-Southern ismaking its first foray into the
growingfieldofMassiveOpenOnlineCourses, orMOOCs, this
BSCAssociateProfessor ofHistoryDr. Randall Law’s eight-
week course, “TheHistoryof Terrorism,”will launchMay12.
The course is described as “an introduction for people to truly
understand the root causes, social context, andmethods of
terrorism in the 21st century.”
TheMOOC is free andopen to anyonewith an Internet
connection. BSC alumni, parents, and friends are invited to
join in. Threemoduleswill be released toparticipants eachweek throughCourseSites byBlackboard; each includes
anonline video lecture, readings, aquiz, anddiscussion forums. Studentswho complete all of the coursework and
undergo assessmentmay alsopurchase a certificateof completion.
Law is an award-winning teacher and the author of an acclaimed study,
Terrorism: AHistory,
that puts terrorism into
broadhistorical, political, religious, and social context from ancient Assyria to thepost 9/11War onTerror. He is also
editing the
RoutledgeHistory of Terrorism
, dueout in2015.
To learnmore about the course and view apreviewwithLaw, go To enroll, go to
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