Southern Spring 2014 - page 6

4 / ’southern
We are sad towrite thatDr.
Robert C.Morgan ’56, who served
at Birmingham-Southern
formore than adecade,
passed awayMarch16 at
the ageof 80.
Anativeof Birmingham,
Morgan joinedBSC
in2000 as bishop-in-
residence after serving
a year as president of
Council of Bishops, the
highest electedoffice in
the church. Hewas an
honorary lifemember of
theBSCBoardof Trustees
and received anHonorary
Doctor ofDivinitydegree
from the college in1980.
He received aMaster
ofDivinity fromEmory
School of Theology, which
namedMorgan as one
of its threedistinguished
alumni in2010.
Morgan taught andmentored
students over the years throughhis
coursework, which included “The
Gospel of St. John,” JohnWesley
and thePeopleCalledMethodists,”
and “TheParables.” He also guided
groups of students on Interim term
trips toGreece, Turkey, and Italy to
explore the journeys of theApostle
Paul, and toEngland to follow the
footsteps of JohnWesley.
“In theofficenext tohim, I could
hear his voice say ‘Come in!’ with
great excitement to
whopaused at the threshold,” said
Laura Sisson, director of church
relations at BSC. “Studentswould
often comeout of his officewith a
book to read, andmany timeswith
permission tobe added tohis class.”
“Bobwas a tremendous resource
as towhat themissionof the college
shouldbe—focusingon service to
the churchbynurturing intelligent
faith in ahighquality academic
setting,” saidDr.Neal Berte, BSC
president emeritus. “His remarkable
ability to teach, speak, andwrite
about the gospel opened students’
minds tonew insights.”
Morgan is survivedbyhiswife,
Martha StoreyMorgan ’60, and four
children: CarolMorganCarmichael
of Birmingham; LesliMorgan
Blair ’82of Toney, Ala.; KenMorgan
ofWaynesville,N.C.; andRobert
Morgan Jr. ’85of Birmingham.
At the request of the family,
memorial contributions canbe
made to theBishopRobert C.
Morgan Scholarship through the
Officeof Institutional Advancement
at BSC, Box 549003, 900
ArkadelphiaRoad, Birmingham,
AL35254. The scholarshipwas
established in1984byVestavia
HillsUnitedMethodist Church to
honorMorganuponhis election to
the episcopacy and in recognition
of his service to the church. The
scholarship is given annually to any
deserving students.
Rev.DaltonRushing ’05, pastor of
NorthDecaturUMC inDecatur, Ga.,
posted a tributeofMorgan titled,
“On thePassingof aGiant,” onhis
V42DZ. Read theseothermoving
tributes from someof his former
students, posted and sharedon
Bishop BobMorgan lecturing to students inRome
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