Southern Spring 2014 - page 7

spring 2014 / 5
LoraParker ’12
“Bishop is theonewho lookedme
dead in the eye as a sophomore and
toldme, ‘Lora, you’re supposed tobe
inministry.’ To say thiswonderful
personhad an impact is a slight
understatement. His persistent
support, encouragement, and love
helped getme towhere I am today,
and I couldnot bemore thankful for
that. I am so very glad for everything
hedid andpray for peacewithMrs.
Martha andhis family. Man, did
heaven just gain a lot of sass and
Rev.Matthew Lacey ’05
“BobMorgan: oneof the few
peoplewho exemplifies thewords
‘pastor,’ ‘storyteller,’ and ‘teacher’ for
me. He taught us all so, somuch
throughhiswords and actions and
helped influence somany in the
ministry today. Hewill bemissed
more than anyone can say.”
MaryCatherineMcAnnally ’11
“My favorite thing about TA-ing
for the incredibleBobMorganwas
getting tohear him teach three
different ‘JohnWesley and the
PeopleCalledMethodists’ classes.
My favoriteof his lessons: God’s
prevenient grace exists in your life
before you evenknew youhave
it. It’s the grace that’s standing just
around the corner, waiting tomeet
youwhenever youdecide to turn. I
remember takingnotes through tears
thefirst time I heard that lesson—
so, sopowerful! Thosewords are
grafted inmyheart. What a gift to
somany. We love you, Bishop.”
Rev. BrianErickson ’97
“Prayers of gratitude for the life
and legacyof BobMorgan, who
spent his life seeing gifts inothers
theydidn’t know theyhad, and
then relentlessly chasing those same
folks intodoing theworkofGod.
Mayperpetual light shineon you,
OliviaWoodard ’09
“BishopMorganwas such a
wonderful, intelligent, thoughtful
friend andmentor. Hemade such
an impact on somanyof our lives
andhis legacywill continue to live
onwithourmemories and stories. I
am so grateful andblessed thatGod
placedhim inmy life, and for him
sharinghis knowledge andwisdom
withmeover the years. Iwill
never forget the ‘Footsteps of Paul’
adventures, themany studynights
at theMorganhome . . . Hewill
trulybemissed. Sendingmydeepest
thoughts andprayers to theMorgan
family. Love you, Bish.”
L to r: Bishop BobMorganwith former ChurchRelations Assistant Donna Thomas, Director of ChurchRelations Laura Sisson,
andDensonN. Franklin Professor of ReligionDr. Larry Brasher.
BishopMorganwith students at St. Andrew’s Parish
Church in Epworth, England
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