Southern Spring 2014 - page 16

14 / ’southern
New SGA executiveofficers elected
Four new StudentGovernment Association executiveofficerswill lead the campus governingbodyduring the 2014-15
academic year.
ZackPerkins, a junior collaborative educationmajor fromWoodville, Ala., is president; AshleyBice, a junior business
andphysical therapymajor from Florence, is executive vicepresident;Hope Ervin, amathmajor fromHuntsville, is
secretary; andAnnaMarieRonderos, a sophomorebiologymajor from Springville, is treasurer.
In addition, 19 student representativeswere elected to serve the SGA.
L to r: AnnaMarie Ronderos, Zack Perkins, Ashley Bice, andHope Ervin.
Monday,May5 | 7:30p.m.
Hill Recital Hall, BSCcampus
Don’tmiss thisannual event by the
16-member student vocal ensemble!
Songs for thefinal showwill rangewidely
in style—from the ’40s-eraHarryWarren
hit “ ereWill Never BeAnother You” to
BenFolds Five’s “ eLuckiest”—along
with songsby eBeatles, JohnLegend,
Burt Bacharach, Take6, andmore.
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