Southern Spring 2014 - page 25

spring 2014 / 23
A glimpse into the boundless, creative expressions
of nine alumni visual artists
by PatCole
Birmingham-Southernhas graduatedmanymen and
womenover the yearswhohave found success asworking
artists andprofessionals in the visual arts—andothers
who are following varied and interesting career paths and
journeys as theywork toward their creative goals. In this
gallery, we’ve tried to showcase just a few.
There’s noway todemonstrate the full rangeof
talent inour alumni pool, butwe’ve tried to select a
representative groupof artistswho eachuse adifferent
mediumor use the samemedium in adifferentway. In
doing so, wehope tounderscore the importance and
significanceof the visual arts to a liberal arts education—
and theway aBSC education shapes artists. You’llmeet
a former surgeonwho gave it up for art, aphotographer
whodrew fromhis sculpture classes, and a video
installation artistwhosework is basedondrawing.
Of course, thepull of the liberal arts doesn’t just apply
to thoseworking in thefine arts. The college’s goal has
always been toprepare students forwhatever field they
choose. And the routes they take are aswide as they
are varied. It couldbe the English studentwho veered
intopastoralwork, amedical doctorwho startedout
as aphilosophymajor, or a chemistrymajor-turned-
poet; Birmingham-Southernhelps all students find their
passions, artistic or otherwise.
Welcome to the colorful, beautiful, personal,
emotional, bright,meaningful, playful, anddeepworld
of visual art fromBSC’s alumni:
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