Southern Spring 2014 - page 32

30 / ’southern
Making artistic noise
Publicexhibitsand scholarshipgiveBSCart
andarthistory facultyachance to shine
Birmingham-Southern’s Art andArtHistoryDepartment
faculty are an eclectic and gifted group, as dedicated to
their creative and scholarlypursuits as to theirwork in the
The studio art professors exhibit their ownoriginal
works at diverse venues locally and across the state and
country. Manyof themuse awide arrayofmaterials to
convey their thoughts, ideas, and experiences through
paintings, photographs, sculpture, drawings, installation
art, and/or prints.
The art historyprofessors bringup-to-date knowledge
and experienceswith someof the topmuseums and
galleries to the table. In addition to teaching, they engage
in academic research—publishing in journals andwriting
books—that informs their scholarship in the visual arts.
Theirwritings havebeen featured inmajor journals,
enrichingboth the intellectual community and theworld
at large.
Together—and the twodisciplines trulydowork
together in a tandemdepartment rare among the college’s
peers—the facultyoffers aBFA andBA in StudioArt in the
disciplines of drawing, painting, photography, sculpture,
andprintmaking, and aBA inArtHistory. BSC is oneof
only two schools in theAssociatedColleges of the South
consortium that offers aBFA.
Since its founding in the 1920’s, thedepartment has
graduated thousands of alumniwho live indozens
ofU.S. states aswell as overseas and are teaching,
curating, and creating in their areas of art training and
expertise. Its central goals havebeen to strengthen the
acknowledgement of innovation and visual literacy as both
integral and complementary to research and academic
scholarshipon theHilltop.
Here is a samplingof the art and art history faculty’s
L to r: JimNeel, Dr. Kathleen Spies, Steve Cole, Pamela Venz, Kevin Shook, andDr. Tim Smith
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