Southern Spring 2014 - page 18

16 / ’southern
The Liar
Students pull off intricate French comedywithout ahitch
Threeweeks. Twodozen students. Oneplay. Each year, theBSCTheatreDepartment tackleswhat seems like an
insurmountable task: staging a full dramatic production from start tofinishduring the JanuaryExplorationTerm
period. While their classmates studyor travel to exotic locales, the studentswork from sunup to sundown learning
all aspects of the theatre, frombuilding sets todesigning the soundscape to creating characters andbringing them
to life. This year, the team tackled
The Liar
, a17thCentury French farce that brought additional challenges, not
least of them theneed tomemorize lines in iambic pentameter. We followed alongwith the cast and crew to
capture them in action.
Scan theQR codewith your
mobiledeviceor go to
towatch a video
about the E-Termproductionof
The Liar.
photo essay by TomCoiner
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