Southern Spring 2014 - page 12

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BSCprofessor co-writesmathematics textbook
It’s not everyday that students can say their professorwrote the textbookon a given subject. But that is true for
BSCProfessor ofMathematicsDr. BernadetteMullins, who recently co-wrote the 11th editionof the classic text,
Mathematics withApplications in theManagement, Natural, and Social Sciences.
Thebook is a long-standing favorite for classes aimed at non-mathmajors. Mullins said thebig task for her
andDr. JohnP.Holcomb Jr. of Cleveland StateUniversity, whopartneredwithher on thenew edition, was to
comeupwithhundreds of new exercises, drawn from real-life examples inbusiness,medicine, andother fields.
Theproblems includedata fromMajor LeagueBaseball, earnings reports fromApple andGoogle, and current
health and geopolitical data. There are exercises basedonmedical diagnoses, the reachof advertising, theCase-
Shiller homeprice index, and even theNewYork lottery. Thebook ismost oftenused in classes aimed at students
studying the social sciences, business, andnatural sciences, such as themathematics of finance, descriptive statistics,
and applied calculus.
“There’s very, very recent data in there,”Mullins said. “Iwant students tofind these cases interesting and
compelling, so they canunderstand and gobeyond rote learning, and interpret and communicatewhat their results
Mullins, whoworkedon theproject formore than two years, said she alsodrew support and inspiration fromher
colleagues at BSC. Faculty in theMathematicsDepartment and inother fields helpedher find someof themost up-
to-date, interestingproblems to include.
“I think that reflects the fact that at BSC, we’re about team effort,” she said. “There are a lot of things that one
person can’tmakehappen. I’m so thankful tobepart of a communitywherepeople stepup tohelp.”
BookbyBSCbiologistwins environmental
writing award
Dr. ScotDuncan, associateprofessor of biology andurban environmental studies at BSC, haswon
this year’s ReedEnvironmentalWritingAward from the SouthernEnvironmental LawCenter for his
Alabama’s Surprising Biodiversity
The SELC, aVirginia-basednonprofit, bestows theReedAwardon twoworks each year that
exemplify thebest environmentalwriting in the South. Each author received a$1,000prize.
ReedAward contest judge and SELCBoardVicePresident RickMontague called
“an amazing and eye-opening
book, comprehensive enough tobe
afield guide aswell as adoorway
to thenaturalworld.” The award is
named for SELC founding trustee
Phil Reed, a talented attorney and
committed environmental advocate
whodeeplybelieved in thepower
ofwriting to changehearts and
Duncan is currently studying
endangered species and ecosystems
inAlabama, including theKetona
dolomite glades,montane longleaf
pinewoodlands, and thewatercress
Dr. Scot Duncan received his award at the Virginia Festival of the Book in
Charlottesville, Va.
Photo courtesy of the SELC.
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