Southern Spring 2014 - page 3

spring 2014
2 Editor’sNote
4 CommunityNews
9 FacultyNews
12 StudentNews
16 Features
40 Alumni Affairs
42 Philanthropy
44 Athletics
50 ClassNotes
60 ’SouthernVoices
magazine / Spring 2014 / Volume 40, Number 1 A Publication for Alumni and Friends
On theCover
The Edwards Bell Tower gets a visit from
abenevolent golden-caped robot (and
a tiny, furry, pink friend). The image
was created especially for us by John
LytleWilson ‘99, a talented artistwho
teaches in theDepartment of Art andArt
History. Most ofWilson’s paintings are
large, vivid, acrylic canvases, but he also
“corrects” existingpaintings, prints, and
photographs like this one, usuallywithhis
signaturemonkeys and robots. Readmore
aboutWilson andother alumni artists on
page 22.
The Liar
moves from the classroom
to the stage in threeweeks
Alumni visual artistsput their
creative talent and insightondisplay
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