Southern Spring 2014 - page 50

48 / ’southern
Birmingham-Southernnames tennis
complex afterCoachAnnDielen
tennis coachAnnDielen, who
has served at the college formore
than threedecades, bynaming the
school’s tennis complex after her this
Anew engraved sign and aplaque
wereunveiled at a ceremony in
March. Theplaque reads:
“In recognitionof a career of
dedication and service, BSChonors
CoachAnnDielen for starting the
men’s andwomen’s tennis programs
in1977 andbuilding it toone
of championship caliber for five
decades anddoes herebyname the
BSC tennis facility theAnnDielen
“This is such an incredible
honor,” saidDielen, who also serves
as the college’s seniorwomen’s
administrator. “To seemynameon
a facility that I’ve calledhome for so
long is oneof thehighlights ofmy
UnderDielen’s direction, the
women’s teamparticipated in the
NAIANational Championships
every year from the tournament’s
inception in1980until the college’s
finalNAIAmembership season in
2001. Noother program canboast
this impressive feat. Themen’s
team, whichwas underDielen’s
guidanceuntil she turned it over
to former assistant BrianRahaley,
was equally successful, reaching
thenational tournament 19of 24
Shehas beenpast president of the
National Tennis Association and
was namedNAIADistrict Coachof
theYear seven times, was the ITA
Women’s TennisCoachof theYear
in1992, and received theUSTA
Community ServiceAward in1997.
Dielen’s husband, son, daughter,
and two grandchildrenwereon
hand at the ceremony, asweremany
of her former tennis players and
L to r: HeadMen’s Tennis CoachKel Lange, Director of Athletics JoeDean Jr.,
BSCPresident Gen. Charles C. Krulak, andDielen.
Dielen speaking to those gathered for the dedication.
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