Southern Spring 2014 - page 57

spring 2014 / 55
Boulevard” on the campus of Fort
SandersWest inKnoxville. He
was also an avid golfer. He is
survivedby three daughters and
several grandchildren and step-
Birmingham, onNov. 9, 2013. A
U.S. Navy veteranofWorldWar II,
Hanna fought in both theAtlantic
and thePacific theatres. He saw
action aboard theU.S.S. LST
358, wherehe served as stores
officer, gunnery officer, and first
lieutenant. Hanna next served
as executive officer and then
commanding officer of the ship
U.S.S. LST397. After thewar,
he andhis brother,
L.R. Hanna
, hung their shingle, Hanna
andHannaAccountants, and
served amultitude of clients in
theBirmingham area. In 1976,
Henrymoved to the firm of Lovoy
andSummervilleCPA, where he
served until he retired in 1986. He
was amember of theNational
Society of PublicAccountants. He
is survived by his three daughters.
TheHannas are cousins of the
Yieldings, forwhomBSC’sYielding
Chapel is named; according to their
their strong family values have
been and continue to be inspiring.
Dr. DeweyA.White Jr.
MountainBrook, onOct. 24,
2013. White received hismedical
degree from theUniversity of
VirginiaMedical School. Following
two years of service in theU.S.
Navy, he completedhis pediatric
residency at Children’sHospital of
Alabama. He opened a practice
inMountainBrook and remained
there duringmost of his private
medical career. Whitewas also
very involvedwith local hospitals
and served as president of staff at
Children’s. He later organized the
Department of Pediatrics at Baptist
Medical Center-Montclair and
served as its chief of staff. In 1974,
Whitewas elected to theAlabama
House of Representatives; he
ran again in 1978 for state senate
and served until 1982. Soon after
his first term,White relinquished
his practice to his partners, but
continued topracticemedicine. He
later became professor of
pediatrics andmedical director
of student health at UAB. White
retired in 1987; hewas recognized
by numerous organizations for
his dedication to children. He
is survived by hiswife and four
of Birmingham, onOct. 9, 2013.
After graduating fromBSC, Sorsby
attended JohnsHopkinsUniversity
and became a certifiedorthoptist
(eye care specialist). Sheworked
at the university hospital for a
time and practiced orthoptics in
Birmingham. After being home
with her son and daughter for
many years, Sorsby took up a
20-year career as a science and
English teacher atThompson
MiddleSchool inAlabaster, where
shewas awardedTeacher of the
Year before her retirement. She
spentmore than 60 years as an
activemember of SouthHighland
ClydeN.Garmon Jr.
Birmingham, onNov. 20, 2013. He
received his pharmacy degree from
HowardCollege (nowSamford
University) and served in the
U.S. NavyMedical Corps for two
years. Garmonwas a salesman
for theUpjohnCompany for 11
years and then became co-owner
, a lifelong
Birmingham resident andpioneering female
business owner, diedonDec. 18, 2013, at the age
of 94.
McTyeirewas perhaps best known for founding
IronArt Inc., ahome furnishings store and
design studio, whichbeganon the Southside
of Birmingham and latermoved toMountain
BrookVillage. Shewas thefirstwoman to serve
as director for theBirminghamAreaChamber of
Commerce, Better Business Bureauof Alabama,
and FirstNational Bankof Birmingham (now
McTyeirewas amember of theboardof trustees
at Birmingham-Southern andhad served as
president of theNational Alumni Association.
She receivedBSC’sDistinguishedAlumni Award
in1979 andwas also awarded anhonoraryDoctor of Lawdegree from the college in
1987. She studied sociology at BSC.
Amongher numerous awards,McTyeirewas elected into theKiwanisClubof
Birmingham’s BusinessHall of Fame and selected asWomanof theYear by the
Business andProfessionalWomenof Birmingham. Shewas also askedby the
governor to chair Alabama’s 150th anniversary celebration.
Shebalancedwell themanydemands of business, civic responsibility, and family.
Her familymembers accepted the JemisonVisionaryAwardonher behalf at the
MountainBrookChamber of Commerce’s annual luncheon in January.
She is survivedby four children and several grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
At the request of the family,memorial contributionsmaybe sent to theKatherine
MeadowMcTyeire Scholarship Fund through theOfficeof Institutional Advancement
at BSC, Box 549003, 900ArkadelphiaRoad, Birmingham, AL35254. The scholarship
memorializesMcTyeire’s son, whodiedwhilehewas a student at BSC. The
scholarshipprovides assistance tomajors inhistory.
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