Mariela Vega
Freshman biology major
Hometown: Immokalee, Fla.
“Diversity to me means that people from
different nationalities can come together
and enjoy the same rights. No matter
what background the person comes from,
they can be respected. And they are able
to embrace their cultural traditions and
not be judged or ridiculed by people
from a different culture. America was
built on diversity; people from different
countries and backgrounds all came for
the same purpose—to live the American
dream. Without diversity, we would be a
nation without progress.”
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Abigail Dy
Senior biology major
Hometown: Clanton, Ala.
“Oftentimes, diversity is thought of only as
the physical features that set people apart.
However, the concept of diversity has a much
greater meaning than characteristics that can
only be seen on the surface. It goes beyond
people’s races and into the cultures they
encompass, the thoughts they possess, and
the emotions they feel. Diversity then allows
those differences to be shared with others,
allowing them both the chance to learn from
these exposures and the opportunity to grow
from them.”
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