40 / ’southern
DeAngelo Nesby
Junior business major
Hometown: Mobile
“As Birmingham and BSC celebrate the 50th anniversary of
the civil rights movement, I have an even greater opportunity
to experience and understand what civil rights activists
had to endure during that time. We come together as a city
in a time of celebration for what has been accomplished,
but we understand that the battle for equality is not over.
The struggle of those who came before us will continue on
through our generation and generations to come until every
man and woman is truly considered equal. “
Coty Lovelady
Senior religion major
Hometown: Montevallo, Ala.
“The 50th anniversary of the
1963 civil rights movement
allows me to reflect on the
stories, history, and personal
experiences with race in the
South. It also allows me to
reflect on where we will be
in 50 years. We recently
celebrated President Obama’s
second inauguration while
remembering that one year ago
Trayvon Martin lost his life
because of the color of his skin.
For me, the 50th anniversary
is a reminder to keep on,
keepin’ on—that the
journey we began
is far from over.”
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