36 / ’southern
Meet some of the faces of
e have come a long way since 1963. In this academic year, about 17 percent of Birmingham-
Southern undergraduates indicated a racial category other than white. Cultural diversity
isn’t just important when it comes to attracting students—it enhances the entire collegiate
experience. Along with studying in the classroom, students learn from each other and from the
unique experiences and cultural backgrounds of their peers.
We asked just a few representatives of this millennial generation about their overall perception
of diversity, concerns about it, and what this special civil rights 50th anniversary year means to
them. Here’s what they said:
Saurav Bhandary
Freshman biology and economics
double major
Hometown: Meghauli, Chitwan, Nepal
“The 50th anniversary means a lot to
me. It wasn’t that long ago that the civil
rights movement took place. I’ve studied
a lot about the movement, and I am
so happy to be here in Birmingham to
celebrate the 50th anniversary together
with everyone. All the sacrifices
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. made
will always be remembered.
He fought for the right
cause, and even
though he is not
here physically,
he will forever
live in our
Shay Gibson
Junior biology major
Hometown: Clanton, Ala.
“Diversity is many different things to me. I understand diversity
to be more than race or gender. I feel that diversity is about beliefs
and personality, too. Every person has specific gifts that God gave
them. I feel that these gifts provide diversity. Each and every
person is special and different from everyone else. This is true
diversity to me. I feel that every person helps to keep our
campus, city, and country diverse.”
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