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In your words

As much as Gen. Krulak has done for Birmingham-Southern

College, his true love has been for its people—especially the

students. The best way to show his impact is to let the BSC

community speak. Here’s your own tribute to “the General.”

“I still remember the first day I met Gen. Krulak. I was carrying

paperwork to Munger and he stopped me. Caught off-guard, I

stood up straight and proceeded to have a conversation with our

new president. What impressed me the most was how he took

time to get to know me. He must have been busy with other time

commitments, but I could tell he genuinely cared. As I finished

out my time at BSC, I would often notice him greeting students

in the Caf and having one-on-one conversations with others. Yet

again, I could see the interest in his eyes, the full attention he had

for each and every student. When I walked across the stage on

graduation day, I was proud to shake his hand, but also a little

saddened because I knew I was saying goodbye to a friend.”

—Nicole Smith ’12

“I am so excited about what the General has accomplished at

BSC. Not only is the college on a good footing academically and

financially, the feeling of being a family has been restored. Thank

you, General!”

—Dr. Angela Camp Morrow Baker ’77, mother

of Charles Morrow ’02

“Move-In Day... the Suburban was filled to the top... and we were

late. My daughter and I exited on the right side of the car. As my

husband was getting out of the driver’s side, we heard him ask,

‘Do I call you President or General?’ Emily was so nervous (first

day and all), but her eyes were huge when she heard her father

speaking to Gen. Krulak. She wasn’t sure whether to run the other

way or come say hello. Gen. Krulak somehow knew just the right

thing to do... He stepped around the corner of the car and as

Emily held out her hand to shake his, he grabbed her, picked her

up off her feet, and gave her the biggest bear hug I had ever seen.

Momma Bear knew at that very moment her daughter was in the

right place.”

—Betsy Rice, wife of David Rice ’87 and mother of senior

Emily and William, a first-year student


“I am deeply and truly honored to have had the chance to get

to know Gen. Krulak over the last four years. The General has

challenged me to take on roles that I never thought I would or

could, particularly at my age, and his faith in me and my abilities

has meant so much to me. He has inspired me to go the extra

mile and to be a constant ambassador for BSC. Most of all,

however, I am so grateful that he chose us. I am so grateful that he

was willing to make personal sacrifices to lead us. I am so grateful

that he has expanded his love, passion, and dedication beyond

the fences and walls of BSC and has become a tireless advocate

for my city and my state. I am so grateful that he saw in us and in

our community what and who we truly are and what and who we

strive to be, particularly at a time when we perhaps could not see

that for ourselves. Finally, I am most and eternally grateful that I

can call the General my friend.”

—Rebecca Beers ’04

“I don’t know how many college presidents call students to tell

them about the scholarships they’ve earned, but I wouldn’t be

surprised if Gen. Krulak is the only one. When he did this, Gen.

Krulak reserved for himself a secure place in my heart and memory

because he told me that I had achieved the greatest dream I had

had by then. The only words I could utter were ‘Thank you’ and

I feel that even now, almost a year later, there is no need to say

more. Thank you, Gen. Krulak, for telling me that my greatest

dream has come true and it’s time for the next greatest one!”

—Mirella Dankova, first-year student

“Don’t tell me ‘the sky’s the limit,’ when there are footprints

on the moon.”

-Gen. Charles C. Krulak, President, Birmingham-Southern College

Come share your own story!

Tell us about how Gen.

Krulak impacted you by

entering it on our website at