Fall 2013 Southern - page 35

fall 2013 / 33
Future lawyers meet
and greet
The BSC Birmingham Lawyers’ Club and
the restaurant Veranda on Highland hosted
a Social and Summer Send-Off in July for
Birmingham-Southern graduates entering or
returning to law school in the fall. Almost 30
were in attendance, including new and recent
graduates (front row, l to r): Stephanie Gossett
’11, Jennifer Commander Gray ’12, and Anna
Davis ’12; (back row) Art Richey ’09, Mary
McDaniel ’12, and Ben Odendahl ’11.
bsc legacies
Help us find BSC legacies!
Birmingham-Southern College has a long tradition of welcoming generations of families to our
campus. We are so proud of our “legacies”—the children, step-children and grandchildren of our
BSC alumni—and we hope they decide to follow in their families’ footsteps to the Hilltop when they
make their college decision.
We want more of our legacies to experience the life-changing Birmingham-Southern traditions
that our graduates experienced as students.
While we do our best to keep up with our legacies, we need your help. If you are the parent, step-
parent or grandparent of a future BSC student, or if you know a BSC legacy, please complete the
form at
. We want to make sure they get lots of BSC love
and attention! Also, if you would like information about visits to the BSC campus for legacies, go to
If you have any questions or need more information, please contact Lisa Harrison MPPM ’85,
director of alumni affairs, at
, or (205) 226-4912.
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