Dear Family,
I can’t believe it is Friday once again. Cookie and I are going to see “To Kill a Mockingbird” this P.M.
It’s about time! By the time I ever do anything it’s out of style! I went to town on Monday. I went sit-in
hunting. I wanted to see one. It was too funny. First I paid $2.50 in taxi fare (still no buses) and then I
chased them all over town. Finally I got wind they were in Britt’s. I tore out lickity-split to see and sure
enough when I came puffing up they had just been arrested. Everything looked normal again. Anyhow
I got to see a ghost town. All lunch counters were closed and nobody was there. Police were in clusters
on every corner. I was walking down to Loveman’s when I looked to my left and saw the plain-clothes-
men seated in a car staring at me. I grinned! So much for my futile attempt to see a sit-in.
Going backward—I think you all must see “Umbria” in Sawyerville. It is a lovely, old southern
mansion with acres of land and its own lake and graveyard and woods and gardens. It’s owned by an
old lady (her hair is dyed a flaming red-pink, and she has sparkling blue eyes) and her old husband
who “don’t say nothing.” I saw “Martha” (goose) sitting on eggs and she hissed at me. I also saw her
“Andrew” (gander). The graves date way back and are all covered in weeds. If we ever pass that way, I’ll
show you. I also got to see all the old places in Greensboro. I never saw so many ante-bellum houses in
one little town.
Tuesday afternoon, I got to hear Dr. Plumb, an English historian from Christ College, Cambridge.
He spoke on the 18th Century Gentleman’s World Tour. It was a fascinating lecture complete with
accent. I don’t know his prominence, or lack of prominence, but he sounded authentic. He wrote a
biography of Sir Robert Walpole.
I’m to be vice president of M.S.M. Council for next year. It’s “the” big job because you have ALL
programs. I am no longer president of Sunday School class so I’ll have more time. Today I had a report
due for Art history. I wrote on the mosaics in Santa Sophia Church in Instanbul (Byzantine Art). I’ve
learned more history this way than ever before. It’s fun. I have tests all next week and I’m worried but
I’ll do my best and hope. Maybe a rock will fall on me and knock me out for a week! hee hee.
Student Government elections were this week and I feel that a real victory was won. An Alpha Tau
Omega-Baptist and intellectual-was elected. I was overjoyed. I’ve never seen such defference to the
independents. Fifty percent of this school is independent and they voted
this time!
“I got sumpin’ to say and when I gets through I ain’t gonna say no
mo,” Wasn’t it wonderful (“To Kill a Mockingbird”)? I sat there and
sobbed like a baby. I thought the whole movie was so sensitively done.
They caught the heart of the book. Funny, Spence, but it reminded me
of some of our adventures—not exactly the same of course but we have
some mighty good memories. I think we have one of those Fathers
who was “meant to do unpleasant tasks for all of us”, don’t you?
I had my hair cut—a boy like cut which looks pretty cute if I do say
so. My ears show. I feel summer coming on and it’s a good feeling.
I’m glad you didn’t try to have two services on Easter. They say
McCoy did that and the church looked kinda empty. I love the
exhilarating feeling of 500 strong voices singing praise to God.
Love you all!
(Written in April 1963)
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A letter from Marti
Here Am I ....
winter-spring 2013 / 23
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