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60 / ’southern


As a soon-to-be graduate of

Birmingham-Southern College, I’ve

reached a point where every aspect

of my day-to-day life has become


Not a day goes by where I don’t see

a familiar face or hear a kind voice

that reminds me of the precious time

I’ve had here. Even the smell of the

ginkgo trees in the spring reminds

me of the countless hours I spent in

Stephens Science Center my first year

when I thought I wanted to study

biology. While every aspect of my life

seems to evoke an emotional effect, the

strongest trigger is seeing Gen. Charles

Krulak’s smiling face. If you asked

me, I would swear that it was only

yesterday that I met him for the first

time on my college tour.

It was that college tour that made

me fall in love with this amazing

community. As a high school senior,

I had my heart set on a giant state

school where I would have no doubt

become another obnoxious SEC

football fan. But, like any good parent,

my mother made me explore other

options. I could not deny that the

Hilltop was beautiful and everyone

was as nice as they could be; however,

that wasn’t what led me to choose

this remarkable institution. My tour

guide knew every person we passed by

name—classmates and professors alike.

Assuming that this was a brilliant

plot arranged by the Admission Office,

I began to study other students passing

by and discovered the phenomenon

was the same. They all knew each

other and were all connected in some

inexplicable way. As we finished

our tour in the Admission Welcome

Center, a petite man approached me

and began to explain that he was an

incoming first-year student as well.

Out of curiosity and utter confusion, I

asked him why he chose Birmingham-

Southern above all other options. His

response was, “There’s just something

about the people here.” He was right.

Gen. Krulak has taken this unique

characteristic of our college and

made it something spectacular. His

commitment to BSC shows the

student body what it means to be a

part of something bigger than your

average undergraduate education.

Birmingham-Southern is a


of exceptionally hardworking,

dedicated, and honorable people. As

a community, we understand that the

only way to achieve our goals is by

helping one another. From our sports

teams to the arts, from SGA to Greek

life and everything in between, the

BSC sense of community is evident in

everything that we do. You can also

see this dedication to community

in our everyday interactions. The

General’s constant evoking of the

Marine Corps mantra, “No man

(or woman) left behind,” shows

we recognize how important this

community actually is.

I finally realized what it is that keeps

this community so united and is most

likely the characteristic the General

A sentimental journey

by Sumner Pilcher, senior business major from Leesburg, Ga.

and I saw on our first tour of the

school—honor. Being a military man,

this idea of honor is not something he

takes lightly. As an average student, it

took me a while to understand what it

means here at Birmingham-Southern.

In the real world, honor is treating

yourself and others with respect. But

on this campus, it is so much more

than that. Honor is earning your

degree and not having it handed to

you; it’s knowing that the person

sitting beside you is keeping you

accountable for your actions, just as

you would do for your best friend. I

know this because I have been lucky to

be a part of the Student Government

Association, and more importantly,

to be a part of selecting peers to

represent the student body on the

Honor Council. Although the process

took seven long hours, I am able to see

how precious it is. It’s more than just

promising not to lie, steal, or cheat.

Honor is having respect for yourself,

your peers, and your professors, and

holding yourself to a higher standard.

Honor is what holds BSC together and

it is what the General and I hold so

dear to our hearts.

As a graduating senior who will

soon be walking across the stage with

our commander-in-chief, I am certain

that I will be especially sentimental.

Gen. Krulak has taken this small liberal

arts college and showed its inhabitants

how unique and significant our home

away from home is. Although we are

all sad to see him go, we are also eager

to meet the next president, who will

lead this institution to new heights.

Whether focusing on academics,

financials, or philanthropy, I find

comfort in the knowledge that the

college will choose a new leader

based on his or her commitment to

community. For it is this dedication

to community that puts Birmingham-

Southern College above and

beyond the rest; it is the General’s

understanding and enhancement of

honor that makes him so special to all

of us.