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Among the many

wonderful messages

I received after being

selected as the new

chair of the BSC

Board of Trustees, my

favorite was a postcard

discussing “Fort BSC.”

The sender offered

encouragement that

“the forces of good are

sure to prevail” and

gave assurance that he

stood “ready to serve.”

The sender referred to

me as “Private Rogers,”

and I’m really hoping

I’ll earn a promotion

after being on the job

a while. Certainly my

predecessor, Wayne Killion ’72, earned

the highest rank for his steady and

healing presence as chair these past

three years.

Reference to a “fort” may be

misinterpreted by some to be a

defensive posture, and the truth is that

this college is


hunkered down.

We are absolutely moving ahead and

life here is exciting and great. All

credit for the successes of late goes

to the extraordinary leadership of

Gen. Krulak and his entire team.

Financial discipline is in place, 10-year

reaffirmation of our reaccreditation

is within our sights, and enrollment

is growing. Additional credit for

our “forces of good” goes especially

to current and former trustees,

alumni, and friends who quietly and

generously give their resources to

Birmingham-Southern. All of this

support enables the college to excel at

its primary purpose, educating students

and preparing them for the future.

Only one thing in life is certain—

change. The college has shifted its

focus from looking backward at

where we have been; instead we are

looking forward to explore how much

better we can become at providing

the best education. According to the

latest edition of Loren Pope’s


That Change Lives

, we continue to

be recognized as one of 40 colleges

offering a transformative experience to

a broad range of students. The college

changes lives because the value of

doing the right thing at the right time

is so much a part of the education


We are often considered the best

college or university in Alabama, but

our reach is so much broader. About

half of our students come from outside

the state, including from more than 20

countries. I recently met an incoming

first-year student from Birmingham

who is thinking about becoming a

lawyer. He recognizes that a high

percentage of our students are accepted

into the most prestigious law schools,

and he knows that professors like Dr.

Mark Lester (himself a lawyer) will

be ready to expand his mind. This

Birmingham freshman will be rooming

with a classmate from Vietnam who

has never even been to the United

States. That young man researched

colleges and universities with the best

mathematics programs and chose

our alma mater. One of our math

professors, Dr. Bernie Mullins, will

be using the latest technology and

online platforms to teach mathematics

to our student from Vietnam. We

are truly bringing worlds together

and expanding the reach of BSC well

beyond our state borders.


“A force for good”

by Bruce Rogers ’80, BSC Board of Trustees chair

This college is changing for the

better by focusing on outcomes. In

a highly competitive world, our

students are being equipped to become

the professionals of tomorrow—

physicians, ministers, teachers,

dentists, lawyers, entrepreneurs,

business leaders, writers, artists, and

more. Technology is being embraced

and used effectively by our world-class

faculty; that is just one element of their

commitment to our students both in

and out of the classroom.

There seems to be an innate ability

encoded in our college’s DNA to learn

from experience and to change for the

better. Your Board of Trustees is doing

just that—we are finding new ways

to help BSC educate today’s students

for tomorrow’s opportunities and

challenges. Having abundant resources

to do the job is absolutely critical,

so we are continually expanding our

“forces of good.” “Private Rogers” asks

each of my fellow alumni to not only

“stand ready to serve,” but to also step

up and join with me and the board

so that the “forces of good” will allow

Birmingham-Southern to continue

to explore, experience, and excel.

Forward, Ever!

Editor’s Note


Bruce Rogers is a partner

and attorney with Bainbridge, Mims,

Rogers & Smith LLP in Birmingham.

He was elected chair of the Birmingham-

Southern College Board of Trustees in

June. His role, along with other board

members and BSC President Gen. Charles

C. Krulak, is to ensure that the college

continues to thrive while maintaining its

premier academic program.