Looking back, moving ahead
As you read this issue of
magazine, we’re asking you to cast your mind back. Fifty
years back, in fact, to a time when Birmingham-Southern found itself involved in Birmingham’s
great movement for civil rights.
It was a time of change for the entire country and right here on the Hilltop. You’ll learn about
Martha “Marti” Turnipseed, a BSC student who decided it was time for her to make a difference,
and of Ulysses “Skip” Bennett, who blazed a trail as Birmingham-Southern’s first African-
American student. You’ll hear from alumni about their own experiences of that critical time
in history, and also from students about what that era means to them and how they envision
diversity today. You can also read about BSC’s long relationship with and support for the city of
After reading, we hope you’ll start looking not just backwards but also forward. Forward first
to April 24, when BSC students, faculty, staff, and neighbors will trace Marti’s steps and march
off the Hilltop into downtown Birmingham. Even more than that, we hope you’ll look forward
to our college’s bright future and all the BSC students who will blaze the next trail—whatever it
turns out to be.
There are a few other things to look forward to that you’ll also read about: a new website we’re
proud to introduce this spring; Birmingham-Southern’s strategic planning process, now well
underway; and plans for Commencement and next fall’s Homecoming and Reunion celebrations.
As always, we’re looking for both your presence and your input here on the Hilltop!
Forward, Ever!
Hannah Wolfson
Director of Communications
Introducing the NEW bsc.edu
We’ve been working hard and are thrilled to announce that Birmingham-Southern has
a new face on the Internet! You’ll still find us at
, but we think you’ll find
the new site easier to navigate and chock-full of new features. The launch is planned
for early April, but
check back often
for new updates,
including student
and alumni stories.
And don’t forget
that we want to
share your successes
online! Please help
us spread the word
by sending them to
Gen. Charles C. Krulak, President
Dr. Wayne Killion Jr. ’72, Chair,
Board of Trustees
’Southern magazine is published by the
Office of Alumni Affairs and the Office of
Communications at Birmingham-Southern
College, Birmingham, Alabama 35254.
Non-profit postage paid at B’ham, AL
Permit No. 2575. Postmaster: Send address
changes to: Alumni Affairs, Birmingham-
Southern College, 900 Arkadelphia Road,
Box 549003, Birmingham, AL 35254;
telephone 205/226-4912; or access
©2013 Birmingham-Southern College.
Editorial Offices:
15 Stockham Building
900 Arkadelphia Road
Box 549004
Birmingham, AL 35254
Phone: 205/226-4922
Fax: 205/226-4931
Editor: Hannah Wolfson,
Director of Communications
Managing Editor: Pat Cole, MPPM ’11
Art Director: Tracy Thomas ’92, Director
of Visual Identity and
Contributing Writers:
Pat Cole MPPM ’11,
Communications Specialist
Sarah Erreca, Director of Sports Information
Hannah Wolfson, Director
of Communications
Various BSC students, faculty, and alumni
The Birmingham News
Brittany Arias ‘13
Joseph Bailey
Wynter Byrd
Thomas Coiner
Cari Dean
Lisa Harrison MPPM ‘85
Jimmy Mitchell
Wendy Prejean
Vianca Williams ‘15
Archived photos
Submitted Photos
Yearbook Photos
2013 Stump
Lecturer to
present in April
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