Page 10 - 'Southern Magazine - Summer 2012

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ne of the biggest changes this year on campus
is something that’s virtually invisible but affects
the entire life of the college—a revolutionary new
curriculum called Explorations. The program is designed
to give students a broad basis in the liberal arts and the
skills employers and graduate schools seek.
Explorations continues to give a strong role to ’Southern’s
special hands-on January courses, now called Exploration
Term. (See p.20 for more.)
The new curriculum also shifts general education away
from a traditional “check-the-boxes” approach that
emphasizes disciplinary requirements to a system that
stresses the importance of what students actually learn
to do. And it gives BSC’s newest students the chance to
delve into what moves them and find new passions in
and out of the classroom.
The 32-unit program focuses on communication,
connectivity, creative problem solving, civic engagement,
and self-directed learning—all skills employers want in
the global marketplace of the future.
A Year in the Life
Dr. Sara Robicheaux ’97,
associate professor of finance and
dean of business programs, in the
Assistant Professor of
Religion Dr. Mark
McClish conducts a
class session on the
Academic Quad.