Fall 2013 Southern - page 18

16 / ’southern
As they begin their college journey,
freshmen bring with them a bit of home
Objects of Affection
College freshmen go through a range of emotions
once they’ve left home. Many are a little nervous, but
mostly excited, as they build their feelings of confidence
and independence.
These new students often bring keepsakes or souvenirs
with them to remind them of fond memories and the
people they’ve shared most of their life with. The objects
vary, and each has a story of its own. They lend a bit
of familiarity to the students’ new surroundings as they
begin their lives at Birmingham-Southern.
Here are a few freshmen who have brought at least one
thing they just couldn’t leave behind:
Hometown: Mobile
Major: Undecided, leaning toward English
Object: T-shirt blanket
“My T-shirt blanket was a high school graduation present from
my parents and was made by a family friend. I love it because it
represents my life and memories in my hometown of Mobile.”
Nordhausen, Germany
Guardian angel
“›e guardian angel is from my mom, and ever since my birth,
it has hung over a picture of me at home. On the last night
before I left for college, my mom gave it to me. She told me
that I must hang the angel over my bed and he will protect me,
even though I am far away from home.”
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