2018 E-term Bulletin

5 Students traveling internationally will be required to read the State Department’s Consular Information Sheets and Travel Advisories at http://travel.state.gov/. Students are required to purchase BSC’s travel health insurance plan (approximately $20 per week of travel), which will be automatically billed to each student. Students should be aware that, given the international safety and health concerns, there is always the possibility that certain study- travel projects may be modified, canceled, or postponed. Travel Policy As our world becomes increasingly interconnected, study-travel is an important mode of experiential learning, providing broad and diverse contexts for intellectual and personal growth. As such, Birmingham-Southern encourages students to integrate a study-travel experience into their academic career by providing the opportunity to study off-campus either independently or through a study-travel project led by a faculty member. Since study-travel is in effect an extension of the physical campus, students studying off-campus are required to conform to BSC’s academic and social regulations and policies as if they were in the classroom or on the campus. Students who wish to participate in an Exploration Term study-travel project should be in good academic and social standing. BSC requires all students to conform to both US and local laws of the host country when traveling abroad, including those pertaining to the use of alcohol, controlled substances, prescription medication, and public behavior. Students are expected to follow the directions of the faculty. Faculty leading study-travel projects may establish additional policies of academic and social conduct to which students consent when they register for the project. Failure to comply with either BSC’s general policies or the policies established by the faculty leading the project can result in disciplinary action and/or a failing grade for the project. In extreme circumstances—should the student endanger him or herself or others, or threaten the integrity of the project—and at the discretion of the project’s faculty leader, the student may be sent home at his or her own expense. Deposits and fees must be paid in a timely manner. Study-travel projects led by faculty require a deposit early in fall term. Check with your faculty leader for the deposit amount and deadline. Refer to the financial agreement for information on when the first and final payments for each study-travel project are due. If an insufficient number of students express interest in any study-travel project, the College will cancel it before October 2, 2017. Students who elect to withdraw from a study-travel project are not guaranteed a refund of any monies submitted toward the project. In order to participate in study-travel, students must: 1. Be in good academic and social standing at the College. 2. Submit a deposit and Commitment to Travel form to the Office of Exploration Term and Contract Learning (Norton 262) by September 25, 2017 or an earlier date set by the project’s faculty leader. 3. Submit a signed financial agreement, release form, and proof of passport no later than September 29, 2017. Failure to comply with these requirements will result in a student being rejected for or removed from the project, regardless of whether he or she has paid a deposit or registered for the project.