2018 E-term Bulletin

4 Independent StudyContracts Sophomores, juniors, and seniors who wish to engage in independent study for Exploration Termmay do so through an independent study contract. Any student wishing to pursue independent study should formulate a contract, working in close consultation with a faculty sponsor. Once the contract is approved by the project sponsor, the student’s advisor, and the department chair, the student submits the contract to the Office of Exploration Term and Contract Learning. After contracts are reviewed, the Exploration Term and Contract Learning Committee notifies the student of any changes required for the contract to receive approval and be registered. If the contract is not approved, the student should register for an Exploration Term project published in the bulletin. Independent study contracts should meet the academic standards of all Exploration Term projects. The student is expected to engage in 150 clock hours of focused academic activity and to meet the terms of the study contract: follow the project’s methodology as stated in the study contract, attend all required meetings with the faculty sponsor, and submit the final academic product as indicated in the contract. Contracts for independent study and internships are due to the Office of Exploration Term and Contract Learning by Friday, October 20, 2017. The contract formmay be found online at http://www.bsc.edu/academics/krulak/exp-con/contract.html. All contracts that include activities off-campus also require a release form. Additionally, all contracted internships require a signed Internship Agreement form. These may be obtained at the Office of Exploration Term and Contract Learning (Norton 262) or at http://www.bsc.edu/academics/krulak/exp-con/release-forms.html. Students engaged in contracts for Exploration Term 2018 will be registered automatically by the Office of Exploration Term and Contract Learning; students pursuing Exploration Term contracts do not register onTheSIS, nor do they need to attend an orientation meeting on November 16. Examples of completed individualized study contracts may be reviewed at the above contract website. Note: Students who wish to complete internships which fall under the purview of established faculty-directed projects (i.e. Accounting, Business, Pre-Health, Pre-Law, Public History, and Student Teaching) simply register for the project and do not complete an independent study contract. Internships Students interested in pursuing an internship for E-Term, whether through a course or through a contract, should start planning early and are encouraged to meet with Katy Smith, Assistant Director of Internships ( [email protected] ) for assistance and guidance. Senior ExplorationTermProjects Many academic disciplines require students to complete a Senior Exploration Term Project in their major. This project is usually carried out in the senior year, but occasionally students are given permission to complete the senior project in their junior year. To fulfill this requirement, a student may either register for an Exploration Term senior project offered in her or his major or contract an independent project with a faculty member in that major. Requirements for Off-CampusStudyandTravel Any student traveling off-campus during Exploration Term—whether for a BSC study-travel project, an independent study project, or an internship—must complete and sign a release form. For students under 19 years of age, a parent or guardian must sign the release. Release forms are located on the Exploration Term/Contract Learning section of the BSC website, under “Release Forms” (http://www.bsc.edu/academics/krulak/exp-con/release-forms.html) .