2018 E-term Bulletin

9 ACCOUNTING AC*E499*01 Senior Project in Accounting George Klersey Prerequisites: AC 322, 324, and 422 Open To: Senior Accounting Majors Grading System: Letter Max. Enrollment: 30 Meeting Times: TBD by employer The Senior Project in Accounting is an experience designed to solidify and enhance students’ knowledge in the accounting field. The experience may include a 10-week internship or an in-class project. Topics may include recent accounting developments, extensions of accounting concepts, and exploring basic business systems. Those students electing to pursue an internship for their senior project should consult with the disciplinary faculty about the variety of internship options. Estimated Student Fees: $250 ARABIC ARB*E299*02 Riots, Religion, and Rap: Arabic Poetry of the Resistance Lamia Benyoussef Prerequisites: None Open To: All Students Grading System: Option Max. Enrollment: 20 Meeting Times: M Tu W9:30 am–12:30 pm In Western countries, the Arabic word “Islam” is often translated as “submission,” or at best, “peace.” Arabic poetry originating from the Muslim world, however, displays a long history of non-submission to religious orthodoxy, secular and religious dictatorships, imperialism, and Eastern and Western patriarchy. Students in this discussion-based project will explore poetry of resistance in relation to the music and politics of the Arab world through readings, video clips, documentaries, and examples from cyber culture. In addition to class meetings on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday from 9:30 am-12:30 pm, outside of class, students will use online resources to complete homework as well as prepare their final assignment and presentation. Evaluation will be based on students’ participation and discussion in class, one presentation about an assigned class reading, a final assignment of either an academic research paper or a creative project (8-10 pages), and the oral presentation of the final assignment. Special Project Designations Service- Learning Project Study- Travel Project ExplorationTerm2018ProjectDescriptions Leadership Studies Project ART AR*E499*03 Advanced Studio Projects: Senior Project John Lytle Wilson Prerequisites: AR 471 and Instructor Consent Open To: Senior Studio Art Majors Grading System: Letter Max. Enrollment: 15 Meeting Times: M Tu WTh F 9:00 am–4:00 pm An independent studio project for art studio majors and minors. The project will focus on developing and refining a cohesive portfolio relative to the individual’s concepts and techniques. The final portfolio themes, materials, and production expectations will be determined by consultation. Senior candidates for a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree will produce work in preparation for the BFA Exhibition. There will be an emphasis on current themes in contemporary art from selected articles, discussions, and scheduled individual and class critiques. Seniors are required to work outside of class to fulfill a 40-hour-per-week schedule. Grade will be based on work ethic and the final portfolio. AR*E299*04 Introduction to Fresco Jürgen Tarrasch Prerequisites: One Year of Studio Art Classes, 2D, Drawing Open To: Art Majors and Minors Grading System: Letter Max. Enrollment: 16 Meeting Times: Tu WTh9:00 am-12:00 pm This project will introduce students to the ancient art of the fresco. Students will learn about materials needed and the various steps involved in the creation of a fresco, including the techniques of preparing layers of plaster; the preparation of paints to be used (made by grinding individual pigments); the creation of preparatory drawings and how to translate these to the fresco surface; and, finally, how to apply the pigments to the wet plaster. Once the paint is applied to the plaster, it cannot be changed. Consequently, the making of a fresco involves much concentration and discipline. Students will be asked to create two small frescoes. The materials involved—pitted lime, washed sand, pigments, wood boards, chicken wire, and brushes—will be provided by the instructor for a small student fee. After completion of this project, students will have a better understanding of the ancient art of the fresco, and they will understand the various stages involved in the creation of a fresco. Additionally, students will have a better sense of the discipline and the hard work, the rise 3 Project ris e 3 ris e 3