2018 E-term Bulletin

8 Project Number Project Title Faculty Prerequisites and Notes GEN*E299*37 Digital Detox: Mindfulness Meditation in the Modern World Chandler GEN*E299*38 Environmental Careers Parker EH 102 or 208 GEN*E299*39 European Culture and Global Media Davis, Spencer TRAVEL, Instructor Consent, ENROLLMENT FULL GEN*E299*40 Explorations of Qi (ch’i “life energy”) Huang First-Years, Sophomores, Juniors GEN*E299*41 Introduction to 3D Printing Stanton GEN*E299*42 Introduction to Yoga, Meditation, and Mindfulness Pontius, Scott GEN*E299*43 Like a Rolling Stone: Bob Dylan in America Schantz GEN*E299*44 May I Take Your Order? The Forces That Shape our Food Choices Valenti GEN*E299*45 Music in Spain Leary-Warsaw, TRAVEL, Instructor Consent Grall GEN*E299*46 The Natural Beauty and Art of Australia Cole, Shook TRAVEL, Instructor Consent, ENROLLMENT FULL GEN*E299*47 Paint, Glaze, and Ink: The Chemistry of Art Materials Dorman GEN*E299*48 Politics and Culture of Cuba Gawronski, TRAVEL, Instructor Consent, McLean Service-Learning, rise 3 GEN*E299*49 Poverty in America Black Service-Learning, rise 3 GEN*E299*50 Pre-Health Internship Buckingham Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors who have a 3.2 GPA or better and have proof of current health vaccinations and insurance. Priority is given to first-timers. GEN*E299*51 Queer Health in the American South Moxley GEN*E299*52 The Science of Immortality Hayden First-Years GEN*E299*53 Service-Learning in San Francisco: Communities of Andersen, TRAVEL, Instructor Consent, Compassion and Action Thornton Service-Learning, rise 3 , Leadership Studies GEN*E299*54 Service-Learning: Education in Uganda Harper, Spencer TRAVEL, Instructor Consent, Service-Learning, rise 3 , ENROLLMENT FULL GEN*E299*55 The U.S. National Security System: A Historical and Rowe Leadership Studies Contemporary Overview GEN*E299*56 Walking Birmingham: History and Habitat Rossmann GEN*E299*57 Where Underpants Come From Qu HI*E299*58 The “Bully Pulpit”: Presidential Leadership in the 20th Century Lester Leadership Studies HI*E299*59 Public History Internships Law Any Sophomore, Junior, or Senior who has had at least one prior history course, rise 3 HI*E299*60 World War II Films the World Over Levey HRC*E299*61 The Politics of Performance: Ancient Drama and Society Gilbert Leadership Studies MA*E299*62 Analytic Methods in Sports Barton MA*E299*63 Number Theory Riley MA 231 (for mathematical maturity) MA*E499*64 Senior Project in Mathematics Mullins, Junior and Senior Math Majors Troncoso Naranjo MFS*E299*65 Sundance Film Festival and the Independent Film Market Champion, Corna TRAVEL, Instructor Consent PL*E299*66 Philosophy and Film Myers First-Years and Sophomores PH*E299*67 Solar and Fuel Cell Technology Rhoades Algebra Proficiency PH*E299*68 Travels in Spacetime Rupright Algebra Proficiency PS*E299*69 Black Politics in Film and Music Melonas PS*E299*70 Pre-Law Internship Ashe Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors with a 3.3 GPA or higher, rise 3 PY*E299*71 Planning Your Career in Psychology and Related Fields Allen Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors who have taken PY 101 PY*E299*72 Sport and Exercise Psychology Rector RE*E299*73 Islam and Hip-Hop Sutton RE*E299*74 Sex, Sin, and Christian Theology Wilson-Lyons SO*E299*75 Religion and Mental Health Access Hansard SO*E299*76 Sociology of Therapy and Service Animals Mills Service-Learning, rise 3 THA*E299*77 Theatre Performance Ensemble: The Farm Project Litsey, Mielke rise 3 Production of a Brand New Play THA*E499*78 Theatre Performance Ensemble: The Farm Project Litsey, Mielke rise 3 Production of a Brand New Play